Through the Eyes of a Tiger
(2015) New book about the legendary Flying Tigers, the small group of fighter pilots who went to China in 1941 to help them fight the Japanese....
This is a list of many of the World War II books, both fiction and non-fiction, which have been most helpful in my research. I own a lot of them. Others I have checked out from my local public library. I can go online and order books and tapes from any library in the country.
You can click each book title for more information and a short review.
(2015) New book about the legendary Flying Tigers, the small group of fighter pilots who went to China in 1941 to help them fight the Japanese....
Agent Zigzag: A True Story of Nazi Espionage, Love, and Betrayal by Ben Macintyre is the amazing story of World War II double agent Eddie Chapman....
(2011) Operation Mincemeat: How a Dead Man and a Bizarre Plan Fooled the Nazis and Assured An Allied Victory by Ben Macintyre is the story of World War II's most successful espionage deception....
Favorite (2014) The story of Soviet spy Kim Philby and the two friends, one British and one American, that he so handily betrayed....
(2010) The story of the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his final trip back home. ...
Favorite (2013) By Mitchell Zuckoff, this is the true story of the heroic efforts to rescue airmen lost in the frozen vastness of Greenland. ...
(2014) Shot Down by Steve Snyder is the true story of the Susan Ruth, a B-17 shot down over Belgium on February 8, 1944. ...
(1956) Walter Schellenberg was Hitler's chief of foreign intelligence. This is his life, written by him....
Favorite (2011) In 1945 a U.S. plane called the Gremlin Special crashed on the island of New Guinea. This nonfiction book by Mitchell Zuckoff is the amazing story of the rescue of the survivors from a valley nick-named Shangri-La....
Favorite (2011) In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin by Erik Larson is a true story about William Dodd, the American Ambassador to Germany from 1933 to 1937. ...
(1946, 1960, 2011) Dr. Miklos Nyiszli was a Jewish physician in Hungary who in June of 1944 was sent with his wife and young daughter to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Once he arrived he volunteered to work as a doctor and ended up...
Favorite (2012) A Higher Call by Adam Makos tells the amazing story of two World War II pilots … Charlie Brown from the USAAF and Franz Stigler from the German Luftwaffe....
(2001) British author Ken Follett writes about an all-female team of British SOE agents who parachute into France right before D-Day in order to bomb a German telephone exchange....
(1982) First Over Germany: A History of the 306th Bombardment Group by Russell A. Strong is the history of the 306th Bomb Group....
(2012) In 1940 the NKVD murdered more than twenty thousand Polish army officers and civilians. The graves of more than four thousand of these officers were found at the Katyn Forest. ...
(2009) High Noon over Haseluenne: The 100th Bombardment Group over Berlin March 6, 1944 by Luc Dewez and Michael P. Faley is the detailed story of the life of one bomber group on one day. ...
(2012) The story of World War II B-17 airman Marvin O. Russell, much of it in his own words, as he survives bombing missions over Germany and then thirteen months as a POW. ...
(2007) Survivor of the Bataan Death March, writes about imprisonment by his captors and then in later years, by his hatred....
The Atlanta World War II Roundtable meets monthly. I knew that our guest was Glenn Frazier, a survivor of the Bataan Death March, and I was there early....
Favorite (2010) Author Lynne Olson writes about the World War II years in London, in particular "the Americans who stood with Britain in its darkest, finest hours."...
(1947) Elizabeth P. "Betty" MacDonald joined the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in 1943. After the war, she wrote her memoirs, this book, and it is a treasure....
(2004) Edward R. Murrow and the Birth of Broadcast Journalism by Bob Edwards is not only the story of Murrow's life but a testament to his profound effect on broadcasting....
(1995) Author Philip Ziegler documents what was happening in the "greatest city in the world" during the wartime years. ...
(1948) German prisoners of war are recruited to return to Germany as an agent to collect information on Germany military activities....
(1986) A young half Jewish boy in WWII Berlin goes to work at the Kaiser Wilhem Institute for Neurophysiological Research, Berlin-Hagan. ...
(2009) The biography of Walter Schellenberg, one of Nazi Germany's top leaders as the head of foreign intelligence....
Favorite (2008) A fascinating account of the many women who loved Franklin Roosevelt and how each influenced his life....
Favorite (2008) During the last months of World War II an aristocratic German family whose farm borders Poland leaves home and treks west in a desperate effort to escape the advancing Russians. ...
(2007) The biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the president who prepared us for and led us through World War II....
(1997) "Spies: A Narrative Encyclopedia of Dirty Tricks and Double Dealing from Biblical Times to Today" is like a Wiki for spies....
(2011) Novel by Bobbie Ann Mason about a B-17 crew shot down over Nazi occupied Belgium. The pilot returns decades later to the scene of the crash in order to reconnect with the members of the French underground who helped him escape....
(2003) The author describes not only the friendship between these two remarkable men but also the interrelated relationships of their families and closest associates....
1993) Novel by J.C. Pollock. In 1992, a former SS officer hands off to his terrorist son a detailed list of the artwork stolen by Nazi Herman Goering....
(2006) French author Irène Némirovsky writes about the Fall of France during the time that it happened....
(2005) Novel by Scott Turow about a son's quest for the truth about his father's World War II experiences....
"Swedes at War" Willing Warriors of a Neutral Nation 1914-1945 by Lars Gyllenhaal and Lennart Westberg...
(2004) A German mother and her daughter struggle with their separate memories of surviving the years of Nazi Germany....
This excellent Radio Theatre audio book by Focus on the Family is about the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran pastor and theologian who dared to defy the Nazis. ...
The story of Eva Schloss, childhood friend of Anne Frank, who spent nearly a year in Auschwitz....
(2008) An American journalist who lives in France becomes obsessed with a story she is writing about the 1942 Vel' d'Hiv Roundup, when Jewish families in Paris and its suburbs were arrested and sent away....
(1958) An Autobiography was written by Bernt Balchen in 1958. Balchen was many things but would probably have wanted to be remembered as a great explorer. He was....
(2009) Hunting Eichmann - How a Band of Survivors and a Young Spy Agency Chased Down the World's Most Notorious Nazi...
Jumpin' Jimminy - a World War II Baseball Saga. American Flyboys and Japanese Submarines Battle it out in a Swedish World Series, written by Robert Skole...
Most of this book is about the B-17, its history, specifications and air battles. ...
This book by LIbby Cone describes the miserable occupation of the Channel Islands by the Germans during the war....
During the war, the Germans occupied Britain's Channel Islands, one of which is Guernsey. ...
1947) The story of Bert Stiles, written by Bert Stiles, B-17 co-pilot with the 91st bomber group....
(2004) Operatives, Spies, and Saboteurs: The Unknown Story of World War II's OSS, by Patrick K. O'Donnell ...
Favorite (1998) Making for Sweden, part 2 - The United States Army Air Force. This is the #1 resource for information on the American airmen who landed in Sweden during World War II. Part 1 covers the RAF....
Ghost Soldiers: The Epic Account of World War II's Greatest Rescue Mission. About the raid by allied forces on the POW camp at Cabanatuan in the Philippines. ...
Target Berlin: Mission 250: 6 March 1944. The first large-scale daylight raid on Berlin. By Jeffrey Ethell and Dr. Alfred Price. ...
(2006) Masters of the Air: America’s Bomber Boys Who Fought the Air War Against Nazi Germany by Donald L. Miller. This excellent resource is a remarkable history of the Eighth Air Force....
Shot at and Missed: Recollections of a World War II Bombardier ...
Tom Brokaw's book The Greatest Generation generated a worldwide interest in the Americans who grew up during the depression and then, as soon as they were ready to enter adulthood, went to war....
(2006) James Bradley writes about the Battle of Iwo Jima after discovering a box of papers left behind by his father, one of the flag raisers....
The War: An Intimate History, 1941-1945, by Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns....