The Greatest Generation

The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw

The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw

Tom Brokaw’s book The Greatest Generation generated a worldwide interest in the Americans who grew up during the depression and then, as soon as they were ready to enter adulthood, went to war. It is interesting to study the personality types of different generations (baby boomers, generation x, generation y, etc.) … the Greatest Generation has also been called the “Silent Generation.” They came back to their communities after the war and didn’t much talk about what they had experienced. Who could blame them? They were too busy trying to rebuild their lives and raise their children, the baby boomers.

Some of their traits: Hard working. Love of family. Love of country. Love of home. Pride. Responsibility for oneself. Dedicated to community service. Follow the rules. Respect authority.

What I remember about Herman when we were growing up is that he was always either working at his business, in the military reserves, or in the community. There were five of us, and I’ll bet he was the PTA President a dozen times. I honestly can’t remember any recreational activities he pursued except for the things he did with us kids … and most of those were centered around Bartow, Florida hometown events … parades, fish fries, festivals.

Here are some of Herman’s early writings that exemplify his personality, his love of God, country, home and scouting.

  • The battle proves nothing … how you conducted yourself is what counts.
  •  I believe that a man owes so much to his country, if he shirks that duty, knowingly, then no matter how great he is, or becomes, he is a coward.
  •  All I ask of you is the same consideration you expect of me.
  •  A place to come for comfort, to shed a tear, a place of welcome, to know that someone will be there to ease the load of the moment. A place, that in all the world you’d rather be – is home.
  •  Once I thought I was wrong – but I was mistaken.  (I know my brothers and sisters will laugh when they read that one!)
  •  Some people count their riches in gold, some in friendship. But I – I count mine in the countless living monuments of boyhood I left behind in my service to Scouting.
  • If God came amongst you and should ask for volunteers to serve Him with the only prerequisite being that you followed His commandment of “Love They Neighbor” – who could offer his services?

Thanks, Daddy.

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