Mission 10 – February 22, 1944

Junkers plant at Bernburg

Junkers plant at Bernburg

Day three of Big Week. The Liberty Lady crew’s target is Bernburg where there was a factory for Junkers JU88 fighter planes.

The city of Bernburg is also noted for having had a mental hospital where for several years the Nazis carried out their T-4 Euthanasia Program. About 275,000 patients from mental asylums who were thought to be “incurable” were killed as part of Hitler’s ethnic cleansing philosophy.

9 hours in the air but remember they were up for (I would guess) four hours before take-off … breakfast, crew briefings, specialty briefings, gear, B-17 check, final briefing with crew, etc. etc.

I’m thinking how tired I am tomorrow if I get up at 3 am today.  And this is Day Three.

Over the route home from Bernburg the lead navigator messed up and took us directly over a concentrated flak area near Happy Valley. Sincerely I thought that was it. I couldn’t possibly see how any ship could ride through that and come out whole. Somehow we did, though the Lady was a sieve.

From Thurleigh to Bernburg

From Thurleigh to Bernburg

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