(2002) In 1926 Berlin twin sisters, suddenly orphaned, go to live with different distant relatives and grow up in very different environments, politically and socially. ...

(2011) In 1966 three Mossad agents come together to capture "The Surgeon of Birkenau," an escaped Nazi war criminal....

Favorite (2008) During the last months of World War II an aristocratic German family whose farm borders Poland leaves home and treks west in a desperate effort to escape the advancing Russians. ...

Favorite (2001) Charlotte Gray is a young Scottish girl who travels to London in 1942 and ends up working for the SOE, the British organization which corresponded to our country's OSS....

Favorite (1990) The true story of a teenaged Jewish boy living in Germany who, in order to survive, passes as an Aryan and becomes a member of the Hitler Youth. German with subtitles....

Favorite (1990) This Swedish film (German language with subtitles) is about the efforts of Raoul Wallenberg to successfully save the lives of thousands of Hungarian Jews....

(2008) In 1930's Berlin, a college professor who is considered to be a good man reluctantly joins the Nazi Party and ends up working for Adolf Eichmann....

(2007) Released in the U.S. as Hearts of War, this Canadian film is about the relationship between a Rabbi's daughter and a German soldier who fall in love just as Poland falls to the Nazis....

(1999) A modern American Jewish teenager, uninterested in her family's experiences in the Holocaust, is suddenly transported back to wartime Poland and experiences it all herself. ...

Favorite (1982) Sophie's Choice" is the story of a young Polish woman who survived the horrors of Auschwitz and comes to America to build a new life....