The Devil with Hitler



(1942) The Devil with Hitler is a 44-minute comedy propaganda film created by producer Hal Roach, famous for Laurel and Hardy and Our Gang (The Little Rascals.) At the time, his studio had been making short comedies called “streamliners,” perfect for the second portion of a double feature. One World War II began, he primarily created military training and morale films.

This particular streamliner was a slapstick parody of Hitler and his cronies Mussolini and a Japanese General called Suki Yaki.  The Devil is determined that he will not lose his job to Hitler. He goes up to earth and becomes Hitler’s valet.  It was so ridiculous that you had to laugh. Think of The Three Stooges in Berlin.

I was surprised at the harsh New York Times Review. “… as malodorous a film as has been placed on a Broadway screen in many a month. With an appalling disregard for the temper of these times …”

In October of 1942, the war had exploded right into our families. Germany was triumphant in most parts of Europe.  The “temper of these times” was a harsh one and still no one knew how much more horrible  it would get.

In The Devil with Hitler, the Devil is afraid that Hitler is so evil that the Nazi leader might go down to Hell and replace him. I kept thinking that in just a few years both Hitler and Mussolini would be dead. Maybe it all came true.

Bobby Watson would continue to portray Hitler in nine films.

Hal Roach lived to be 100 years old.







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