President Roosevelt’s Favorite Dish
Miss Daisy Bonner, the President's cook while he was at the Little White House in Warm Springs, GA called this his favorite dish....
Miss Daisy Bonner, the President's cook while he was at the Little White House in Warm Springs, GA called this his favorite dish....
The center of all entertainment in early Manchester was the Picture Show. Legend has it that Franklin Roosevelt was attending a high school graduation here when he received a phone call from New York asking him to seek the Democratic nomination for President. He accepted....
A series of articles for the Manchester Star-Mercury by Monroe F. "Buddy Stamps" titled "Manchester Memories" included several accounts of the comings and goings of President Franklin D. Roosevelt....
Favorite (2005) After Franklin D. Roosevelt contracted polio he visited a rustic resort in Warm Springs, GA, to bathe in their mineral-rich warm spring waters and prayed for a cure....