VKF Ball Bearing Works
On March 6, 1944, the day of the first large-scale daylight bombing of Berlin, the assigned target for the Liberty Lady B-17 of the 306th BG was the VKF Ball Bearing Works at Erkner, an eastern suburb of Berlin....
On March 6, 1944, the day of the first large-scale daylight bombing of Berlin, the assigned target for the Liberty Lady B-17 of the 306th BG was the VKF Ball Bearing Works at Erkner, an eastern suburb of Berlin....
The target for the Liberty Lady was dreaded Schweinfurt, the major ball bearing factory center. Now that the bombers had fighter escorts flying into Germany the orders were ...
The German city of Schweinfurt was the major center for ball bearing production during the war. When it was bombed by the 8th AF in 1943, the losses of bombers and men were devastating. October 14, 1943, which became to be known as "Black Thursday,"...