Through the Eyes of a Tiger
(2015) New book about the legendary Flying Tigers, the small group of fighter pilots who went to China in 1941 to help them fight the Japanese....
(2015) New book about the legendary Flying Tigers, the small group of fighter pilots who went to China in 1941 to help them fight the Japanese....
Agent Zigzag: A True Story of Nazi Espionage, Love, and Betrayal by Ben Macintyre is the amazing story of World War II double agent Eddie Chapman....
(2011) Operation Mincemeat: How a Dead Man and a Bizarre Plan Fooled the Nazis and Assured An Allied Victory by Ben Macintyre is the story of World War II's most successful espionage deception....
Favorite (2014) The story of Soviet spy Kim Philby and the two friends, one British and one American, that he so handily betrayed....
(2010) The story of the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his final trip back home. ...
Favorite (2013) By Mitchell Zuckoff, this is the true story of the heroic efforts to rescue airmen lost in the frozen vastness of Greenland. ...
(2014) Shot Down by Steve Snyder is the true story of the Susan Ruth, a B-17 shot down over Belgium on February 8, 1944. ...
(1956) Walter Schellenberg was Hitler's chief of foreign intelligence. This is his life, written by him....
Favorite (2011) In 1945 a U.S. plane called the Gremlin Special crashed on the island of New Guinea. This nonfiction book by Mitchell Zuckoff is the amazing story of the rescue of the survivors from a valley nick-named Shangri-La....
Favorite (2011) In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin by Erik Larson is a true story about William Dodd, the American Ambassador to Germany from 1933 to 1937. ...