09 Dec The Real Inglorious Bastards

Fred Mayer being interviewed for this documentary, the story of the harrowing OSS mission Operation Greenup. (http://www.storylineentertainment.com/publicity)
(2012) Two Jewish refugees who enlist in the U.S. Army are soon recruited by the Office of Strategic Services for a dangerous mission code name “Operation Greenup” into Nazi-occupied Austria. Fred Mayer and Hans Wijnberg go through elaborate training and planning. Then they are joined up with a German POW, former Wehrmacht officer Franz Weber, a conscientious deserter.
The story moves along with dramatic reconstructed scenes, archival footage, and interviews with both Fred Mayer and Hans Wijnberg. Patrick K. O’Donnell, who wrote a best-selling book on this same mission, They Dared Return: The True Story of Jewish Spies Behind the Lines in Nazi Germany also offers commentary.
The mission was successful although harrowing along the way. Mayer was captured and tortured for three days but never gave away the identities of his accomplices.
I have watched the two previous “Inglorious” movies … Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds (2009) which I loved and the 1978 The Inglorious Bastards, which I did not.
This one, the “real” story was the best of all. You can follow news about screenings of The Real Inglorious Bastards on their Facebook page.or on their official site.
Today Fred Mayer lives in West Virginia. Hans Wijnberg passed away the day after his interview for this film. We can never thank our veterans enough.
The Real Inglorious Bastards at amazon.com
Shari L.
Posted at 23:30h, 27 DecemberI just saw the Real Inglorious Bastards documentary for the 1st time and I wish Quenton Tarrantino stuck to the facts, because the true story was fascinating and remarkable. These men were so brave and intelligent. We owe them so much. Fred Mayers’ tenacity, diplomacy and quick thinking, was nothing short of miraculous. I wish there was a campaign to get him the Medal of Honor he deserved to get years ago. RIP Hans Wijnberg.
Pat DiGeorge
Posted at 07:43h, 28 DecemberShari, I agree wholeheartedly! Thank you for your comment.
Linda Mcc-b
Posted at 13:37h, 21 FebruaryThank you to brave, courageous men like Fred Mayer and his real “inglorious bastards. They gave much and sacrificed much to stop the evil Nazi regime…thus ensuring our freedom today. God bless these men and their families.