Lost in Shangri-La

Lost-in-Shangri-La,-WWII-Book(2011) On May 13, 1945 a U.S. C-47 plane called the Gremlin Special crashed on the island of New Guinea.  This nonfiction book by Mitchell Zuckoff is the amazing story of the rescue of the survivors from a valley nicknamed Shangri-La.

I’ll be honest. When I first heard the title of the book made me think that it was another fantasy tale similar to the book Lost Horizon. Not at all! This Shangri-La was the name given to a practically unexplored mysterious valley. When the Americans took over New Guinea from the Japanese it became a popular flyover. The natives wore practically nothing and were rumored to be cannibals.

I won’t give the details away. What I enjoyed was the author’s description of  the natives, the military rescue, the survivors. This was worldwide news at the time. A photographer parachuted into the island and made a documentary you can watch here.

Lost in Shangri-La: A True Story of Survival, Adventure, and the Most Incredible Rescue Mission of World War II at amazon.com




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