Green for Danger

Green for Danger, WWII Movie starring Trevor Howard, Leo Genn and Alastair Sim

(1946) This British murder mystery takes place in a rural World War II hospital during the V-1 “Doodlebug” bombardments.  Alastair Sim stars as Inspector Cockrill, the narrator and “Columbo” type detective who ends up solving the case in a very creative way.

Interesting that, according to the TCM article, Green for Danger was originally banned in Britain because the censors were afraid that soldiers recuperating in hospitals might be afraid of their nurses and doctors.

It was based on a 1944 novel by Christianna Brand who wrote a series of Inspector Cockrill tales, Green for Danger being the most famous.

The V-1 rockets flew overhead practically every day. When the loud noise stopped everyone froze and took cover, praying that they wouldn’t be part of the explosion.   There was an early reference in the script to “elephantitis of the ears” which reminded me of the famous doodlebug cartoon I found in my mother’s wartime scrapbook.

Green For Danger (1946) at




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