(1943) A German engineer has been working against the Nazis for many years, moving from country to country. He comes with his family to the United States thinking they will be safe there....

(1947) Elizabeth P. "Betty" MacDonald joined the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in 1943. After the war, she wrote her memoirs, this book, and it is a treasure....

Favorite (1946) When World War I is over, a veteran discovers that he cannot bear to return to his former life in society. ...

(1954) A member of Dutch Intelligence, in cooperation with the British, recruits a beautiful woman to spy for the Allies then has to determine whether or not she is a double agent....

(1942) After a British bomber is critically damaged over Stuttgart, Germany, the crew bails out over the Netherlands. ...

(1962) "The Longest Day" was June 6, 1944, the Allied invasion of German-occupied France. ...

Favorite (1943) When an American pilot dies during a dangerous mission, he becomes a guardian angel for young pilots just getting started....

Favorite (1952) 5 Fingers is based on the true story of one of the most famous spies of World War II, code name Cicero. ...

(1942) The legendary Flying Tigers were a group of pilots who fought in China against the Japanese. ...