06 Apr Swedes at War

“Swedes at War” Willing Warriors of a Neutral Nation 1914-1945 by Lars Gyllenhaal and Lennart Westberg
I recently “met” Lars Gyllenhall, a Swedish military historian who has recently co-written a book called “Swedes at War.” Fortunately, this book is in English. I was excited when I saw that it was translated by Carl Gustav Finstrom, expert on OSS Sweden and someone who has been extremely helpful to me since the very beginning of my research.
Lars lives in Rosvik, which he describes as Swedish Lapland. He has both an English blog where he writes about “wars from a nordic angle” and another website that focuses on World War II events in Arctic Europe.
I am sure that Lars will be able to help me with some of my research into Sweden 1944, the year my Dad, American internee Herman F. Allen, was working at the American Legation and with OSS Stockholm. I was very excited when he mentioned my research in his post a couple of weeks ago.
Thank you, Lars!
Lars Gyllenhaal
Posted at 08:01h, 10 AprilYou have been most helpful and I am only sorry I have so far not yet been able to provide you with much news. But in a few weeks time my book with i.a. two photos from you will be out. I look forward to meeting you to hand over your copy.