22 Mar Gunnar Hägglöf

Diplomat: Memoirs of a Swedish Envoy in London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Washington by Gunnar Hägglöf (Forward by Graham Greene)
Accompanying the American General Edward P. Curtis on his trip from England to Sweden in October 1944 was Gunnar Hägglöf, who was, according to 8th Air Force Historian, at the time the Swedish Minister to Holland.
The historian also noted that Brita Hägglöf came along on the trip. However, according to the Swedish Wikipedia, Bo Gunnar Rickardsson Hägglöf (1904-1994) was married to “Countess Anna Folchi-Vici, daughter of Count Carlo Folchi-Vici from Rome.” So I’m not sure if this was a different marriage or if perhaps Brita was not his wife at all.
Also according to Wikipedia, Hägglöf was head of the Foreign Ministry’s trade department during World War II. He was influential in the negotiations that led to decreased trade between Sweden and Germany.
I plan to order his book in order to learn more about his years as a Swedish diplomat but would also like to hear from anyone else who might have better information about this gentleman.
Diplomat: Memoirs of a Swedish Envoy in London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Washington
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