30 Dec The Bridge on the River Kwai

The Bridge on the River Kwai, WWII Movie starring Alec Guinness, William Holden, and Sessue Hayakawa.
(1957) Now this might be one of the best films ever made. Sir Alec Guiness plays Colonel Nicholson, the ranking officer of a group of British POW’s in a Japanese labor camp. The camp commandant, played by Sessue Hayakawa, is no match for the stubborn Colonel who simply will not budge from his principles. William Holden, looking mighty good, also stars.
The story was suspenseful until the end.
One of the most memorable moments in any movie ever has to be the POW’s marching into camp whistling Mitch Miller’s “Colonel Bogey March.”
The Bridge on the River Kwai on amazon.com
Watch movie clips on the Turner Classic Movies website.
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