25 Jun Estelle Manville Bernadotte

The beautiful Countess Bernadotte in 1944 ~ from Herman F. Allen WWII scrapbook
In 1928, Count Bernadotte married Estelle Manville, the daughter of Hiram Edward Manville, Chairman of the Board of the Johns-Manville Corp. Her father’s company made asbestos as a fire-resistant roofing material.
On August 18, 1928 Time Magazine published this milestone:
Engaged. Count Folke Bernadotte, nephew of King Gustaf of Sweden; to Estelle Romaine Manville, Manhattan debutante, descendant of Jeoffrey de Magnavil, ally of William the Conqueror; in Pleasantville, N. Y.
The couple was married in the Episcopal Church of St. John in Pleasantville, New York. This was quite an event as described here. The day after the wedding they visited the White House and President and Mrs. Coolidge.
The Countess “Estelle Bernadotte of Wisborg” (as she signed her name) with the Count had occasion to socialize, even at their home, with members of the American Legation in Stockholm including some of the American internees in 1944 and 1945.
(My thanks to Marlene A Koenig and Royal Musings for the wedding information.)
Susanne W Linde
Posted at 05:45h, 24 February<3
Now we have a new little Estelle Bernadotte! The newborn little princess of Sweden!!
Ingrid Söderback
Posted at 06:22h, 24 February20120223
GIVE HONOR TO THE COUNTESS ESTELLE BERNADOTTE OF WISBORG for her initiative to start occupational therapy in Stockholm Sweden and for her support of occupational therapy development, especially in Stockholm, Sweden.
I have just get know-ledge that the new-born Swedish princess first name is Estelle!
That makes me thinking of a personal memory from about 1964 when I was invited to the in the Countess home at Djurgården, Stockholm. I was 22 year old, an occupational therapy assistant on my carrier way in the subjects of occupational therapy and rehabilitation. I came to the the-party together with ladies, pioneer of occupational therapy in Stockhom. Among them were my boss, head occupational therapist Gunilla Bartning, Södersjuhuset (South hospital) Stockholm and head occupational therapist Ann-Marie Risberg, Karolinska hospital, Stockholm. I was dressed in a self-made yellow gown with hand-printed pattern and a associated hat – all to make attention to “occupation”. I was very nervous! However, the party was nice and went well and it become a life-memory.
Posted at 11:37h, 24 FebruaryThank you both for your comments about the new baby princess! Ingrid, I loved your personal memory of the party at the home of the Countess. THANKS, Pat
Monica Thulin
Posted at 12:16h, 24 FebruaryI landed on this post in search of info and pictures of Estelle Bernadotte, because I know my grandmother’s half-sister Gerda Ekman from Sweden (b.1881- d.1973) was employed by Estelle as chamber maid or similar, but I’m not sure when or where she started that employment, if before or after the marriage to Folke Bernadotte. I think she remained in service with Estelle until her old age pension. I just started a blog myself where I’m trying to extract some clues and odds and ends from a collection of old family postcards + memories of what I’ve been told, and whatever I can find.
Greetings from the Past
Is that photo of Estelle from an official source or a private one?
Can I use it on my blog?
Posted at 13:41h, 24 FebruaryThe photo is from my parents’ wartime scrapbook, and yes you may use it. Just please give credit as such to http://www.LibertyLadyBook.com. I peeked at your blog and will enjoy reading your posts. THANKS, Pat
Ulrika Lequet
Posted at 04:50h, 25 FebruaryI like your blog and interest in Estelle Bernadotte.
Have you read this blog?
Best regards
Ulrika Scheffer Lequet
Posted at 07:33h, 25 FebruaryThank you for the link … I am reading it right now!
Andrea Tiffany
Posted at 19:48h, 25 JuneMy mother has been married to Hiram Edward Manville III for 42 years. Since I was six years old.
Estelle is his great aunt and very beloved by the family.He has a very cherished photo of her and her husband celebrating what I believe was their 90th birthdays.
I will see about getting more info for this site. I know he always refered to her by a nickname.I think it was Gagi..Going to check with him and will let you know for sure..
Posted at 06:59h, 26 JuneAndrea, thank you so much for the comment. I am entranced by Estelle as I know my mother was. I would love to have any additional details you can share. THANKS, Pat
Jane Wilkins
Posted at 20:57h, 10 MayCame across your pages when Googling Hiram Edward Manville. The reason for this was following my family roots. My great uncle William Abel Heeler was a valet to Hiram Manville whilst at Pleasantville. He accompanied him on his yacht Hi Esmaro and on other trips across the Atlantic as found on ancesty site. I am from England and trying to follow up this branch of my family tree as William Heeler emigrated to the US in the early 1900s. He did have a son William Kingston Heeler (who didn’t marry) but he died in 1944 during the Second World War fighting in France and is buried there. His mother Elsie was widowed and living in Morristown New Jersey though I don’t know where my great uncle died. He also had a daughter Gwendolyn Hilda Heeler. Just thought I would let you know of my connection with Estelle Manville albeit in a very indirect way!!
Jean-Jacques Morel
Posted at 16:00h, 30 AugustHello,
I try to return in touch with Jane Wilkins. My name is Jean-Jacques Morel and I am french. I live in Rennes in Brittany.
I shall wish have to have informaftion about William K Heeler. Soldier of the world war two.
I hope you ‘ll have this message. You can contact me through my web site: synergiehabitation.fr.
Jean-Jacques Morel