17 Feb Herman F. Allen

Herman checks out his cell phone
Well, it’s time to formally introduce “The Colonel.” Herman lives in Columbia, SC in The Atria, a Senior Living community. It’s only a couple miles from the home he lived in for 40 years (and his home will be staying in our family by the way!) The Colonel wants to make sure that everything in his life runs smoothly. (Could we say … military style?) He has many friends there, and the ladies (residents and staff) do a wonderful job of watching out for him.
On Thursday evening, Herman had surgery for a detached retina, and I am in Columbia, SC being “watchdog” for a few days.
I thought I would have lots of time to work on the Liberty Lady while he naps, but it’s not working out that way. He’s doing fine, but I’m on constant high alert for my orders. Not sure if I’ll get back to this before about Friday …
Yesterday I talked to him about riding in the B-17, and he asked if I got to sit in “his seat.” “Yes, Daddy. It was amazing but a little scary too.” He laughed.
Mike Potthast
Posted at 09:42h, 18 FebruaryWhat a great post. The site is great…
Karen Allen
Posted at 08:42h, 05 MarchSuper post Patti! Karen