05 Feb The Norden Bombsight
By 1943, the USAAF was training bombardiers to use the Norden Bombsight. This piece of equipment was a carefully guarded secret and crews were instructed to destroy the bombsight if forced down in or near enemy territory. In fact, the bombardier carried the sight head to the airplane just before a mission take-off and removed it from the airplane on returning to base where it was locked in a special vault.
The Norden bombsight allowed for more precise daylight bombing. As the bomber approached its target, the bombardier entered data about wind direction, airspeed and altitude into the bombsight’s analog computer, which calculated wind drift and provided the correct aim point. An internal gyroscope provided the stability necessary for using the telescopic sight at high altitudes.
When used with the autopilot, once the airplane was on its final approach toward the target, the Norden actually took control of the airplane, keeping it on the chosen path and correcting for any last-minute adjustments provided by the bombardier. At the proper moment, it automatically dropped the bombs. After “Bombs Away,” the pilot would take over the controls again.
When the bombardier trainees entered training they couldn’t even carry their notes about the Norden out of the classroom. And they were required to take an oath before they were allowed to see the super secret bombsight.

I love this picture of the bombardiers taking their oath prior to the Norden bombsight being uncovered …
Mindful of the secret trust about to be
placed in me by my Commander in Chief,
the President of the United States, by whose
direction I have been chosen for bombardier
training…and mindful of the fact that I am
to become guardian of one of my country’s
most priceless military assets, the American
bombsight…I do here, in the presence of
Almighty God, swear by the Bombardier’s
Code of Honor to keep inviolate the secrecy
of any and all confidential information
revealed to me, and further to uphold
the honor and integrity of the Army
Air Forces, if need be, with my life itself.
Yes, that says that the bombardier will guard the Norden bombsight with his life.
My honor is my life. Take one you take both. ~Herman Allen, 1942.
Note: If anyone reads this post and has anything additional to add, I would be so grateful. My knowledge is rudimentary, and personal insights would be extremely valuable. Just add a comment below. THANKS, Pat
Posted at 15:40h, 08 NovemberI THINK THE PICTURE IS OF A B-29 GUNNERS LOCATION.
Posted at 16:04h, 08 NovemberFred, you would know better than I, for sure. This was an unmarked photo from my Dad’s scrapbook. I have swapped out that photo for one I took personally when I rode in the Liberty Belle … and that was after I wrote about the Norden bombsight. I am honored that you are reading my posts and look forward to any other feedback you may have. THANKS, Pat.