Immortal Sergeant

Immortal-Sergeant,-WWII-Movie(1943) Henry Fonda plays a shy Canadian army corporal stationed in North Africa. When his highly respected Sergeant dies during an attack, Fonda’s character reluctantly has to lead his unit to safety.

Throughout the movie, Fonda thinks about his girlfriend, played by actress Maureen O’Hara. A romantic angle was always required, it seems, but this one didn’t add much value to the story.

The best parts of Immortal Sergeant are the actors Fonda and Thomas Mitchell (Scarlett O’Hara’s father in Gone With the Wind) as the “immortal” Sergeant Kelly whose words keep coming back to Fonda, helping him overcome a much larger group of Germans.

It was okay, the type of movie that makes you happy to have a fast forward.

Immortal Sergeant at


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