Favorite (2011) In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin by Erik Larson is a true story about William Dodd, the American Ambassador to Germany from 1933 to 1937. ...

Favorite (2010) A French film about the July 1942 arrest of Paris Jews who were first taken to the velodrome, then to internment camps, and finally to extermination camps. The focus is on one family....

In 2011 I posted a photograph that I found in Herman F. Allen's (my Dad's) wartime scrapbook. A group of mostly Americans were seated around a grand banquet table. I knew it was somewhere in Stockholm, and I knew it was in 1944....

Dragongården was the family home of Count Folke Bernadotte. During World War II, Bernadotte was the representative of the Swedish government responsible for the airmen interned there. ...

On April 2nd the Roswell Rotary Club will charter a plane to fly just over sixty World War II and Korean War veterans to Washington DC to visit their memorials. One of our veterans, Bob Moore, wants to honor Father Cormac Walsh, the most decorated...

(1958) The story of three soldiers, two Americans and one German, and how their lives somehow interrelate during World War II....

Seventy years ago today, March 6, 1944, the B-17 Liberty Lady force-landed on the Swedish island of Gotland just hours after the first large scale daylight raid on the city of Berlin. ...

Favorite (2014) The story of the men and women who, during and after World War II, engineered the rescue of the great works of art stolen by the Nazis. ...