The Crew in Stockholm

Liberty Lady crew

“Cleaned up good …”

Waist Gunner Don Courson remembers that once the crew arrived in Stockholm, a representative from the American Legation told them, “We’re going to take you uptown, let you take a bath, get your hair cut and buy you some clothes.

So we went uptown. We had a good bath and went to a clothing store. They said, ‘now buy you a suit, extra pants, shoes, extra shirts, everything you can think of.’  And we did. I had the surprise of my life seeing those men I’d been with all that time and how they had changed. They cleaned up good … they really did.”

Seated Left to Right:
Charles W. Smith, Carl A. Heuser, Merle P. Brown, Stanley N. Buck

Standing Left to Right:
Victor R. Marcotte, Joseph R. Paul, Thomas E. Stillson, Donald S. Courson, RB Trumble, Herman F. Allen

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